Aphasia Simulations

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Speaking Impairments Communication Tips

The most important thing to remember to help people with aphasia communicate is that they know what they want to say, they just can’t come up with the right words to communicate the message. Try these strategies to help:

  • Keep a paper and pencil handy. Encourage the person to write any part of a word that is relevant, or draw a picture about what they are trying to say. Say “Can you write or draw it?”
  • Ask questions that help to narrow down the topic. Ask things like “Is this about last night’s dinner or about the TV program?”
  • Give the person with aphasia time. Let the person with aphasia signal to you when they would like more help.
  • Encourage the person with aphasia to point or show in gestures something about the message. Say, “Can you show me what you mean?”
  • When frustration peaks, suggest that you take a break and come back to the message later.
